Please read these website terms and conditions of use carefully. You must agree to accept the conditions outlined in this notice in order to access or use our website. Any visitor, user or any other person accessing our website must comply with these terms and conditions. By accessing our website, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. If you do not agree to these new terms, you must immediately cease use of this website.

1. Product and service information

All products and services mentioned on the site:

  • are subject to the terms and conditions of the contracts and policies applicable thereto and may be changed without notice
  • are offered only in Canada and only to Canadian residents
  • may not be available in all Canadian regions
  • do not constitute an offer to buy or sell our products and services
  • should not be construed as legal or financial advice
  • are not intended to promote these products or services in other territories

2. Proprietary rights

We own the trademarks used on or in connection with the products and services that we provide, whether they be in the form of names, graphs, logos, icons, designs, words, titles or phrases. These trademarks are protected by Canadian trademark laws.

3. Reliability and modification of information

  • The content of our site is as reliable as possible; however, we cannot guarantee that such information will be accurate, complete and current at all times
  • We reserve the right to modify such information and data at any time without notice
  • In the event of a discrepancy between the information published on this website and that contained in a contract, the information of the contract shall take precedence.

4. Copyright and content reproduction

The content of this site is protected by the copyright laws in effect in Canada and in other countries if applicable.

  • Copying, reproducing, publishing or distributing any of the information found in this site, in whole or in part, is strictly forbidden
  • It is possible, however, to copy, print or download information for non-commercial personal use as long as said information has not been modified in any way and the source has been acknowledged.

Our prior written authorization is required for any use other than specified by the terms above, failing which we shall take the appropriate legal action.

5. Personal information security

When you visit our website, you are generally in control of the quantity and type of information that you share with us. As a visitor, you can browse our site in order to find information without having to disclose personal information in any way.

Ensuring the safety of your personal information on our website is a priority for us. That is why we are constantly evolving our security measures to meet the highest industry standards.

5.1. Web infrastructure security

Our website’s infrastructure security system was designed according to best industry security practices.

5.2. Certified content protection

The authenticity of our website content protection is certified. Certificates are issued by competent and recognized authorities.

5.3. Technical aspects of our security system

Our security system is equipped with:

  • An encryption mechanism to protect data confidentiality
  • A firewall to protect our network from external threats
  • Specific security configurations to protect different types of information
  • Antivirus protection
  • Monitoring and surveillance systems

5.4. Links to external sites

Our website may contain links to third-party websites that are not owned or controlled by MRa and to which our security policy does not apply. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party website that you may access by clicking on a link found on our site. By using our website, you expressly relieve us from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our website and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any website that we do not own and that you visit.

6. Experience-enhancing technologies used on our website

6.1 Cookies

Our website cookies are activated to simplify navigation, to improve your user experience and to track the sections of the site that you visit. While this allows us to personalize the content that you see when visiting our website, it does not allow us to collect your personal information. As a result, when you visit and interact with our website via your cellular telephone or web browser, electronic data is collected automatically. This type of information is considered to be non-personal information.

Non-personal information signifies data that could not potentially identify a specific individual and that we collect automatically when you access our website from your browser.

You may choose to deactivate cookies in your browser. If you choose to do so, however, you may not have access to certain functionalities on our site.

6.2. Third-party monitoring and surveillance tools

We employ monitoring and surveillance tools managed by third parties in order to improve the performance and functionality of our website. These tools gather only non-personal information pertaining to your use of our site. However, please note that these tools are designed and maintained by third parties that are not under our control. For this reason, we shall not be held liable for neither the type of information collected by these third parties nor for the manner in which they use and protect it. Please find below the third-party monitoring and surveillance tools that we use:

  • Google Analytics
    Google Analytics is a web analytics and reporting tool provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the collected data to monitor and analyze the use of our website, to prepare activity reports and to share them with other Google services. Google can use the data gathered to define the context and personalize advertising from its own advertising network. We invite you to consult their privacy policy at You may deactivate this tool by clicking on the following address:
  • Google AdWords conversion tracking
    Google AdWords conversion tracking is an analytics tool provided by Google Inc. that connects data from the Google AdWords Display network to the activities performed on our website. The only personal data that Google AdWords collects are cookies and website usage. We invite you to consult their privacy policy at

6.3. Tools that allow content to be displayed from external platforms

In order to improve the performance and functionality of our site, we use tools that allow content to be displayed from external platforms. With these tools, not only can hosted content be viewed on external platforms directly from our website pages, it can also interact with them. If such a tool is installed, site traffic data can be collected for the pages for which the tool is installed, even if visitors don’t use it. Please find below a list of the tools that we use so that content may be displayed from external platforms:

  • Google Maps API
    Google Maps is an online mapping service provided by Google Inc. that allows our site to incorporate this type of content on its pages and in its applications. The only personal data that Google Maps API collects are cookies and website usage. We invite you to consult their privacy policy at

6.4. Behavioural remarketing and targeting tools

We use tools that allow our site to learn, optimize and use advertising based on how visitors use our site. We do so by examining usage data with cookie usage. The information is then transmitted to our partners who manage behavioural remarketing and targeting. Please find below the behavioural remarketing and targeting tools that we use:

6.5. Automatic reception of data

Your web browser or mobile device automatically sends us information, which includes the name of the website from which you accessed our site (if applicable) and the name of the website you visited after leaving our website. Furthermore, we also receive the IP address of your computer or the proxy server you use to access the Internet, your Internet supplier, your web browser, the type of mobile device you use as well as your operating system. We use all of this information to analyze user trends so that we may improve our web site.

6.6. Geolocation tools

Geolocation tools collect, use and share user location data in order to provide services based on user location. Most browsers and devices provide default deactivation tools for this functionality. If explicit permission has been granted, the user’s location data will be tracked by our site. The user’s geographic location is the only personal information collected by the application.

6.7. Email address and message sending management

Email address and message sending management allows for the maintenance of an electronic database of email addresses used to communicate with users via email. These services are used to collect data relative to the date and time that the message was read by the user as well as when the user interacts with the message, such as by clicking on a link found in the email message.

6.8. Data gathering

We reserve the right to collect and use any non-personal data resulting from your use of our website and to gather this data for internal analysis in an effort to improve our website and services. At no time will your personal information be divulged or included in these data groupings.

7. Consent and virtual purchases

Our website terms and conditions of use and privacy policy govern all transactions made via our site and your participation in any contests. By making an online transaction, you agree to accept the terms and conditions outlined in these documents.

Obtaining a product or service can be subject to certain conditions. A request is thus subject to our approval or that of Group company members.

8. Loss and damage caused by our website content: limitations on our liability

We cannot be held responsible in any way for:

  • Losses or damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of this site and the information contained therein
  • Special or consecutive damages
  • Third-party damages
  • Damages that may arise from acts or deeds performed on the strength of the information contained on this site
  • Damages suffered as a result of the disclosure of personal or confidential information that is transmitted to us via the Internet
  • Damages that may arise from the unauthorized reproduction or use of the information contained on this site
  • Losses or damage that may arise directly or indirectly from your use of the information on this site, the goods or services available either on or through websites not owned by MRa

9. Site access: interruptions, delays, failures and errors

The website is provided and accessible according to its availability. We do not guarantee that the website and its services can be used in a continuous or uninterrupted manner, that there will not be any delays, failures or errors.

10. Viruses and other contaminating properties

We do not provide any guarantee against the transmission of viruses or other destructive or contaminating properties from our site to your computer system.

11. Applicable law

These website terms and conditions of use will be ruled and interpreted in accordance with the laws in effect in the province of Quebec, Canada, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

Our failure to assert any right or any provision under these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right. If any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed invalid or inapplicable by law, the remaining provisions contained in these terms and conditions will remain in full force and effect. These website terms and conditions of use constitute the entire agreement between you and MRa concerning our services and replaces any prior agreements between us relating to our website content.

12. Modification of Terms and Conditions of Use

We reserve the right to modify at any time the terms and conditions of use applicable to information contained and displayed on our website. In the event of a material change, we will provide at least thirty days notice before the new condition takes effect. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to determine what constitutes a material change. By using and accessing the site after such modifications have taken effect, you agree and accept to be bound by such modifications or revisions. If you do not agree to these new terms, you must immediately cease use of this website.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!